Emergency Quality Improvement Professional Certification (EQuIP)
What is EQuIP Certification?
The EQuIP certification is a professional certification available to Emergency Department clinicians, offered through The Institute for Emergency Department Clinical Quality Improvement. Clinicians who attain this certificate have attained a pre-determined level of knowledge subsequent to attending the 3-day Emergency Quality Improvement Professional (EQuIP) certification course.
The certification exam is developed each year by The Institute’s leadership and EQuIP faculty members and reflects current best practices to emergency department quality assurance. While the certification has no expiration, it can be verified and renewed each year in order to reflect that the recipient is up-to-date on the latest advancements in ED clinical quality.
Clinicians who obtain the certification are deemed to be committed to contributing to the field of Emergency Department quality assurance, and committed to their own development regarding ED quality assurance knowledge and practice.
Our hope is that certified clinicians will further the mission of clinician adherence to agreed-upon standards in clinical quality and encourage hospital-wide acceptance of the importance of tracking quality metrics within the ED and throughout the hospital.
Benefits of Certification
Demonstrate your knowledge of Quality Assurance in the emergency department to your colleagues and leadership
Become a member of a group of like-minded professionals from across the world who are dedicated to improving quality clinical care in the emergency department
EQuIP Certification FAQS
Do I need to take the exam at the end of the EQuIP course?
No, the exam is not obligatory. If you do not sit for the exam, you are still eligible to receive a certificate of attendance and a CME certificate, based on your level of attendance.
I was certified last year, will the course be relevant for me and have new and interesting content?
Yes. If you attended the course last year, you will still find the new content relevant and engaging, as new topics and formats have been added. While a few basic features of the course will be similar, advancements in QA processes, new engaged international faculty, and new workshops will allow the course to be engaging and informative for returning participants.
Once I become certified, how often do I need to renew my certification?
The certification does not expire; however, to remain up to date on ED clinical quality content and processes, we recommend renewing the certification at least every 3 years, in order to demonstrate your level of competency. Clinicians are encouraged to attend each year, should budgets allow, to participate in the international discussion and development of emergency department clinical quality.
How do I study for the EQuIP Certification Exam?
Participants will be provided reading materials before the course, as well as presentation and materials during the course, for study and preparation purposes. These, in addition to attending 90% of the course, will likely ensure a successful exam result.